Dear 99Desire Team,

In order to maintain a high standard of accuracy and transparency in our content, we have outlined a comprehensive correction policy. Please find below the detailed steps for readers and our team to follow in the event that an error is identified:

Readers: If a reader identifies an error, they are encouraged to contact our Editor-in-Chief, Emilee Wentland, at the following email address, phone number, or mailing address:


Subject: Correction Needed

A correction will be officially submitted once the reader contacts the Editor-in-Chief directly. Corrections sent to other staff members may not be addressed in a timely manner or at all.

In an email or mail submission, please include:

  • The correction itself
  • The issue date or number
  • Where the correction was observed (e.g., in print, online, etc.)
  • The reader’s name
  • A phone number or email address for contact purposes
  • Correct information and a source, if applicable

For example, if there was an error in reporting a specific event, please provide any available documentation or sources related to that event.

The reader can expect a response from the Editor-in-Chief and may be contacted further if a clarification is necessary or additional information is required. Please note that submitting a correction guarantees an investigation into the error, but does not guarantee that a correction will be issued. Once the Editor-in-Chief is informed of an error, they will conduct an investigation using the information provided by the reader, relevant documents, reporter’s recordings, and any other available sources.

If an error is confirmed, the Editor-in-Chief will issue a correction in all formats in which the incorrect information was disseminated:

PRINT: Corrections will be published on a dedicated correction section in the next issue. This correction will specify the issue, article, and incorrect information, along with the correct details. The article will be corrected, and an editor’s note will be appended at the end of the article, explaining what was incorrect and the date of the correction.

SOCIAL MEDIA: If the article was shared on any of our social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), a new post will be made with a link to the corrected article, along with a note acknowledging the correction.

After the correction is implemented, the Editor-in-Chief will reach out to the reader who submitted the correction, providing an update on the steps taken to rectify the error.

We appreciate your diligence in helping us maintain accuracy in our content. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns regarding our correction policy.